Jordanian Programs FAQs

‍Q: I am a Jordanian citizen residing outside Jordan, how can I apply?

‍A: Applicants must be resident in Jordan from the application process and throughout the selection, placement, and pre-departure processes.

‍Q: Do you offer English courses?

‍A: We do not offer English courses; there are many reputable English language training providers in Jordan; see: LINK.

Q: I hold an American passport; can I apply for Fulbright Programs for Jordanians?

‍A: Jordanian applicants who hold a U.S. Passport or a U.S. "Green Card" are ineligible to apply.

Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Program

Q: When is the final FLTA award selections announced?

‍A: Applications go through several stages of screening, review, and evaluation, as detailed on our website. While the timeline may vary, final selections are typically announced around five months after the application deadline.

Q: Do applicants need to take language proficiency test?

A: Yes, applicants are required to submit a qualifying English proficiency score. They must achieve one of the following: a minimum of 550 on the TOEFL (ITP), 79-80 on the TOEFL (iBT), or an overall score of 6.0 on the IELTS Academic; test scores can be submitted to Institute of International Education (IIE) by indicating the institutional code 2326 on the day of the test. We recommend you take the TOEFL as you will be required to take it at a later stage in the process.

Q: Does the applicant need to be nominated by a university or institution to apply?

A: No, the Fulbright program is open to all qualified Jordanian applicants. Nomination from your home university or institution is not required and does not affect the selection process. The competition is based on individual merit and qualifications.

Q: Do applicants need to be in a specific field of study to apply for the FLTA Program?

A: Yes, applicants should be either teachers of English or pursuing higher studies in English language teaching. Additionally, candidates from other fields may be considered if they have prior teaching experience. These fields include:

1. Anthropology

2. Area Studies

3. Arts

4. Communications

5. Computer Sciences/Technology

6. Education

7. Rural Education

8. Teacher Training

9. Educational Administration

10. Educational Psychology

11. Humanities

12. Languages

13. Literature

14. Social Sciences

15. Social Work


Q: Can applicants choose the university where they will be placed in the U.S.?

‍A: The FLTA grantees will be placed in a U.S. university through a matching system determined by IIE in New York. This placement is based on factors such as the applicants’ experience, academic background, and other details provided in the FLTA application.

‍Q: Can someone with a US citizenship or green card (residency) apply for a Fulbright grant?

‍A: Jordanian applicants who hold a U.S. Passport, a U.S. "Green Card," or the diversity visa lottery are not eligible to apply for this Award.

‍Q: What is the length of the FLTA Program in the U.S.?

‍A: The FLTA Program is a nine-month, non-degree program.

‍Q: Can I submit more than one Fulbright application in the same year?

‍A: Applicants can apply to only one program per application cycle.

Fulbright Foreign Student Program (FFSP)

Q: When will the final FFSP award selections be announced?

A: Applications go through several stages of screening, review, and evaluation, as detailed on our website. While the timeline may vary, final selections are typically announced around five months after the application deadline.

‍Q: Does a prior acceptance to a university in the US help the applicant?

A: Acceptance to a U.S. university does not improve the chances of being nominated for the program. Please note that final university placement is determined by the Program, so while it may be beneficial if the applicant receives the award and wishes to attend that university, there is no guarantee that the applicant would be placed at that university.

‍Q: Should applicants who studied abroad sit for the TOEFL exam?

A: Yes, all applicants are required to submit a TOEFL score, regardless of where they completed their studies. Language proficiency is a program requirement and must be demonstrated through the TOEFL exam.

Q: Can an applicant apply with an TOEFL ITP score instead of TOEFL iBT?

A: Yes, applicants may submit their application with an ITP TOEFL scores. If they are selected for a later stage of the program nomination, the Commission will assist them in arranging to take the TOEFL iBT (unless they already have a recent iBT score that is less than two years old).

‍Q: Does the applicant need to be in a certain field of study to be able to apply for the program?

‍A: Applicants from all fields can apply, except those enrolled in disciplines that require clinical work and internships such as Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science.

‍Q: Does the applicant need to be nominated by a university or institution to apply?

A: No, the Fulbright program is open to all qualified Jordanian applicants. Nomination from your home university or institution is not required and does not affect the selection process. The competition is based on individual merit and qualifications.

Q: Is the Fulbright grant fully funded, and how long is the program?

A: Yes, the Fulbright grant is fully funded. For the Master's program, the duration can be up to two years, depending on the specific program.

Q: Can an applicant with a master’s degree apply for another?

A: Yes, applicants who already hold a Master’s degree are eligible to apply. However, preference will be given to those who do not already have a Master's degree.

‍Q: Do graduates of American universities have a better chance than the other applicants?

‍A: All applications are reviewed and equally evaluated; however, preference will be given to applicants without previous experience in the USA.

‍Q: Can someone already enrolled in a U.S. program apply to complete their education?

‍A: Fulbright grants are not awarded to support the completion of programs that are already in progress in the U.S.

‍Q: Can I submit more than one Fulbright application in the same year?

‍A: Applicants can apply to only one program per application cycle.

Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program (FVSP)

Q: Does the applicant need to be in a certain field of study to apply for this Award?

‍A: Applicants from all disciplines are welcome to apply, with the exception of those whose research involves clinical work in fields such as Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary Sciences.

‍Q: What is the "Release Letter"?

A: The release letter is an official document provided by your home university’s administration, typically signed by the President or an authorized representative, that states you will be released from university duties if awarded the Fulbright Visting Scholar Award.

‍Q: What is a letter of invitation?

A: A letter of invitation is a document from a U.S. host university inviting the Fulbright Visiting Scholar to collaborate on a research project if the applicant is awarded a Fulbright Award.

‍Q: What is the duration of a Fulbright Visiting Scholar grant to the U.S.?

‍A: The program is flexible to accommodate scholars' needs, allowing them to choose a grant duration that fits their research and schedule. Scholars can apply for a period ranging from a minimum of 3 months to a maximum of 9 months.

‍Q: How many publications should an applicant have at the time of submitting the application?

‍A: A minimum of five publications in academic journals.

‍Q: When will the final selections be announced?

‍A: Applications go through several stages of screening, review, and evaluation, as detailed on our website. While the timeline may vary, final selections are typically announced around seven months after the application deadline.

Q: Are dependents allowed to accompany the Scholar to the U.S. during the grant period?

A: Yes, dependents can accompany the Scholar, provided they reside with the Scholar in the U.S. for at least 80% of the grant duration.‍

Q: Can an applicant with dual nationalities (Jordanian and American) citizenship be eligible to apply?

‍A: Jordanian Scholar applicants who hold a U.S. Passport or a U.S. "Green Card" are ineligible to apply for this award.

‍Q: Can I submit more than one Fulbright application in the same year?

‍A: Applicants can apply to only one program per application cycle.

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship (HHH)

Q: When will the final Hubert H. Humphrey (HHH) award selections be announced?

‍A: Applications go through several stages of screening, review, and evaluation, as detailed on our website. While the timeline may vary, final selections are typically announced around five months after the application deadline.

‍Q: What is the HHH Fellowship?

‍A: The HHH Fellowship is a mid-career professional non-degree program for qualified candidates in leadership positions that have a commitment to public service.

‍Q: What is the "Release Letter" that the applicant should secure if nominated for this fellowship?

‍A: A release letter is an official letter from the applicants’ work stating that he/she will be able to take a leave of absence for the Humphrey fellowship once nominations are announced.

‍Q: How many years of experience should the applicant have to apply?

‍A: A minimum of five years of full-time professional experience and should be interested in the policy aspects of their fields of specialization.

‍Q: How long is the Humphrey fellowship?

‍A: The Humphrey Fellowship is a nine-month, non-degree program that combines academic work with professional experience.

‍Q: Should the applicant sit for the TOEFL iBT or IELTS test?

‍A: Yes, all candidates should have a minimum TOEFL score of 75 on the TOEFL iBT or a 6.0 – 7.0 on the IELTS.

‍Q: What is the institutional code that the applicant should indicate for the TOEFL iBT?

‍A: You must indicate that you want your official score reports to be sent to: The Binational Fulbright Commission, Code Number 8293. You must be sure to indicate this code (8293) on the registration forms or on the answer sheets provided at the time you take the examination.

‍Q: Can an applicant with dual nationalities (Jordanian and American) citizenship eligible to apply?

‍A:  Jordanians who hold U.S. citizenship or a Green Card are ineligible to apply.

‍Q: Can I submit more than one Fulbright application in the same year?

‍A: Applicants can apply to only one program per application cycle.

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