February 11, 2025

سلسلة فيديوهات الخريجين: تسليط الضوء على تجربة فولبرايت

كجزء من الاحتفال بالذكرى السنوية الخامسة والسبعين لبرنامج فولبرايت في عام 2021، أجرت فولبرايت الأردن مقابلات مع عدد من خريجيها الأردنيين والأمريكيين كجزء من سلسلة فيديوهات الخريجين. في هذا الفيديو الأول، سُئل الخريجون عن سبب تقدمهم لبرنامج فولبرايت.

Earlier this summer, the Communications and Outreach team at Fulbright Jordan reached out to a number of its alumni to interview them at the Fulbright House.

These interviews are part of the continuous celebrations of the 75th Anniversary of the Fulbright Program worldwide that is celebrated throughout 2021. The interviews included a number of Jordanian and American alumni from different programs to reflect their Fulbright experience and the impact the program has had on each of them; both personally and professionally. 

The interviews were held over the course of two full days while keeping with safety measures around the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19. The alumni were asked various questions based on their own experience and their specific program.  After concluding each interview, the Fulbright team had prepared gifts for each alumni that included items from the new branding that the Commission launched in 2019-2020. This Alumni Video Series will be published through the upcoming months, and each will answer a different themes and question that truly captures the continuous celebration of the 75th Anniversary this year and the everlasting impact of the program.

FIRST VIDEO: Why Fulbright?

The first video covers the question of the reason/s that made our American and Jordanian alumni apply for our various awards. You can view the video below:

Fulbright's Impact: 2nd and 3rd Video

In the second and third video, both American and Jordanian alumni reflect on the many ways the Fulbright award impacted their lives both personally and professionally.

  • Jordanians Video: HERE
  • Americans Video: HERE

Advice to Future Fulbrighters: 4th and 5th Video

In the second and third video, both American and Jordanian alumni reflect on the many ways the Fulbright award impacted their lives both personally and professionally.

  • Jordanians Video: HERE
  • Americans Video: HERE

Favorite Memory: 6th and 7th Video

In this installment, both American and Jordanian alumni reflect on favorite memories from their time on the Fulbright award.

  • Jordanians Video: HERE
  • Americans Video: HERE

Final Video: In Retrospective...

In the final video of this series, we brought both the American and Jordanian alumni to reflect on how they might have done things differently in retrospect.

All of our videos can be found on our YouTube channel. This video series is the first of its kind for the Fulbright Commission in Jordan, and we’re excited to have the 75th Anniversary and The Fulbright Program fund this project, which in turn made this possible.

© 2021 فولبرايت الأردن. جميع الحقوق محفوظة