This section is dedicated to our Alumni, highlighting achievements, and promoting awards and opportunities that are open only for Fulbright Alumni, as well as the Fulbrighter private network.

Grants & Opportunities
July 25, 2024
August 25, 2024

JACEE Alumni Grants

Alumni grant administered by Fulbright Jordan for Jordanian and American alumni. These grants aim to support the continued growth and ongoing accomplishments of Fulbright alumni.

Alumni Inspiration

الدكتورة رنا دجاني: فولبرايتر و باحثة أردنية

على مر السنين، حصلت الدكتورة دجاني على جائزتي فولبرايت؛ منحة فولبرايت للطلاب الأجانب لمتابعة الدكتوراه، وبعد سنوات حصلت على جائزة Scholar Research من جامعة ييل. تتضمن هذه الميزة أيضًا مقابلة الفيديو الأولى لهذه السلسلة.


"The Woven Mashrabiya" Attempts to Bridge the Gap Between Digital Design and Artisanal Crafts.

Ms. Hadeel Mohammad, who is a Fulbright Alumna obtained a Master's Degree in Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania in 2016, and showcased her design at Amman Design Week in October 2019.


تعرف على الفولبرايترز الثلاثة الذين يتركون بصمتهم في السينما والإعلام

في هذه الميزة الملهمة للخريجين، نجري مقابلات ونسلط الضوء على الأعمال والإنجازات المذهلة لثلاثة من ناشري فولبرايترز الأردنيين (هند، جود، وراند) الذين تركوا بصماتهم في السنوات القليلة الماضية في الإعلام والسينما على الصعيدين الإقليمي والدولي.


Alumni Inspiration: Dr. Fares Braizat

For the second and final long feature under the 75th Anniversary celebrations, Fulbright Jordan sat down with Dr. Fares Braizat, and filmed an interview highlighting his career path, as well as being part of the Fulbright alumni network.


Fulbright Alumni Awarded For Article In Occupational Therapy

Dr. Darawsheh is an associate professor at the University of Jordan and a Fulbright Visiting Scholar Alumna who recently received an award for a published paper.


Dr. Tolarba returns to Jordan as Director of Global Standards & Qualifications at CGFNS International

Dr. Tolarba, a Fulbright Alumnus from the 2019-2020 U.S. Scholar Award returns to Jordan after being appointed for a new position at CGFNS


Remembering Dr. Rula Quawas – A Fulbright Alumna and a Lighthouse for Women’s Rights  

In 2017, the world lost a an incredible academic, a women's rights advocate, and a dear friend of the Fulbright Commission who was also a Fulbright Alumna under the S-I-R award back in 2013.



a global community

The exclusive online networking platform for Fulbright alumni and grantees around the world.


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