إلهام الخريجين
February 26, 2025

"الدكتور تولاربا يعود إلى الأردن كمدير للمعايير العالمية والمؤهلات في CGFNS الدولية."

"الدكتور تولاربا، خريج برنامج فولبرايت من جائزة العالم الأمريكي لعام 2019-2020، يعود إلى الأردن بعد تعيينه في منصب جديد في CGFNS."

Dr. Jasper Tolarba was one of our memorable U.S. Fulbright Research Scholars for the 2019-2020 cycle in Jordan. He received his Doctorate in Nursing Practice from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut where he concentrated in Health Policy. He holds a Master of Science in Nursing from Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, as well as a Master of Arts in Education from Bicol University in the Philippines, where he also earned his Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

During his time in Jordan, Dr. Tolarba taught at Jordan University of Science and Technology in Irbid, and was always extremely passionate about teaching and sharing his knowledge, and anyone who worked with him or met him was instantly affected by his positive nature and willingness to help, engage and learn more about Jordanians and the Jordanian culture.

Dr. Tolarba also took advantage of any free time he had to volunteer such as running First Aid and Basic CPR training for the El Hassan Youth Award.

Group picture with Dr. Tolarba and participants of the training at the El Hassan Youth Award

Dr. Tolarba during his training session at El Hassan Youth Award

After the completion of his award with Fulbright and returning to the United States, Dr. Tolarba shared the wonderful news of being appointed at the new Director of Global Standards and Qualifications at CGFNS International in Amman, when asked about this great news, Dr. Tolarba said:

Coming back from my Fulbright scholarship in Jordan, I am fortunate to be appointed in this new role that I feel I can deliver my personal advocacy best. I am even more fortunate to be in a company where I enjoy working alongside my very supportive and caring colleagues. They’ve been such a family to me for the past 4 years that I have been with CGFNS International.

Dr. Tolarba believes that "Nurses are the most trusted healthcare professionals; this is because nurses do not distinguish a person’s race, religion, socio-economic status, etc. when they care for patients. Nurses would put their lives on the line for the sake of their patients...literally. Thus, it has been my personal mission to be an advocate for all nurses especially for foreign-educated nurses around the world".

The CGFNS explained that Dr. Tolarba "...will lead CGFNS’ programs around global standards and qualifications for health professionals by collaborating with global leaders in the fields of education, regulation, accreditation and practice to promote innovation and the advancement of harmonization to enhance cross-border mutual recognition. In addition, Dr. Tolarba will collaborate with CGFNS’ Director for Quality and Research, Rajan Anand, to continue CGFNS’ quality transformation as a global standards enterprise in alignment with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)".

We are happy to have Dr. Tolarba return to Jordan as a Fulbright Alumnus and as the Director of Global Standards and Qualifications at CGFNS International in Amman, and we wish him the best of luck.

You can read more about his new role by visiting the following link: CGFNS Article

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