إلهام الخريجين
February 26, 2025

إلهام الخريجين: الدكتور فارس بريزات

في إطار احتفالات الذكرى السنوية الخامسة والسبعين، فقد اجتمع برنامج فولبرايت الأردن مع الدكتور فارس بريزات، وقام بتصوير مقابلة تسلط الضوء على مساره المهني، بالإضافة لكونه جزءًا من شبكة خريجي برنامج فولبرايت.

As part of the celebrations of the 75th anniversary of the Fulbright Program worldwide in 2021, the Communications team at Fulbright Jordan reached out to Dr. Fares Braizat who is an alum of the Fulbright American Political Science Association Congressional Fellowship of the year 2006-2007 to feature him in a video interview.

The Fulbright team filmed the interview earlier this year at NAMA Strategic Intelligence Solutions with Dr. Braizat to reflect his Fulbright experience coinciding with the 75th Anniversary of the program and the impact the fellowship left in his life.

Besides being a Fulbright alum, Dr. Braizat had many successful accomplishments and served in many important roles. 

APSA Fellowship

Dr. Braizat was awarded the APSA Fellowship in 2006. During that fellowship, he served on the House Committee of Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on the Middle East, and also served at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Middle East program, where he contributed to research on issues of political reform in the Arab world at that time. While on the House Committee of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Braizat contributed to draft legislation and also talking points and producing policy options for policymakers and legislatures. Dr. Braizat has also contributed to the discussions on issues to do with the Middle East especially on political reform, democracy, issues of human rights, and regional security. On a personal level, Dr. Braizat mentioned how the fellowship helped him to explore the States and travel as well as connecting with people and building a strong network there. 

A Glimpse on Dr. Fares Braizat 

Dr. Braizat joined the Royal Court as a Senior Advisor for the Strategic Studies and Evaluation for His Majesty Kind Abdullah II and served for four years. Then he moved to the private sector where he established NAMA Strategic Intelligence Solutions, the company that he is currently the Chairman of. After that, he joined the Government of Jordan as the Minister of Youth in 2019. Dr. Braizat said:

I had the chance to serve my country and to serve the people of Jordan and the youth of Jordan given all the difficulties that they are facing today including unemployment, especially female youth unemployment. We aspire to do more in order to help this generation to realize their potential.

At the end of the interview, Dr. Braizat directed a message to all youth in Jordan or in the Arab youth motivating them:

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