كان راجاي نصار، الحاصل على منحة برنامج فولبرايت للطلاب الأجانب، مستمتعًا جدًا وحقق أقصى استفادة من كل لحظة من برنامجه! اقرأ المزيد عن تجربته حتى الآن في هذه المدونة القصيرة
So far, I got to experience many “firsts” for me in the US; my first Halloween custom party with a Jordanian twist as I dressed as an Arab pirate, attended my first college football game where I cheered for the Virginia Tech Hokies, and experienced my first American Thanksgiving dinner with some family in the Virginia Beach area! I also got to share the Jordanian dish “Shushbarak” at an International Thanksgiving Dinner held by a local church, where I got to share my culture and learn about many other countries' cultures as well.
To my luck and I am grateful for that, I got to be here when Virginia Tech celebrated its 150th year this fall! Fireworks lit up the sky and a mesmerizing data show was displayed on the campus's main bridge.
Moreover, I volunteered with the help of my wife to give a lecture as a Graduate Teaching Assistant; the lecture explained the biology and practice of using the Electrocardiogram (EKG). During the class, students got to build one themselves, and then we got to demonstrate the EKG I built as a TA for the class. This was an incredibly fun and enriching experience to get to interact with many American and International students in a classroom setting.
Back in December, I got to celebrate the joy of Christmas by attending a lovely Orchestra Christmas performance at the magical Moss Arts Center here at Virginia Tech.
I am looking forward to more experiences throughout the journey that Fulbright has set me on!