Jordanian Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program (FVSP)

This program offers Jordanian scholars the chance to engage in cultural exchange through lecturing, collaborative research, or both in the U.S., building bridges, skills, and global insights. The program ranges from 3 to 9 months.

This program is now open.

Application cycle:

February 2, 2025

June 30, 2025

This program is now closed
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This scholarship competition is now closed!


The Fulbright Scholar Program allows Jordanian scholars to participate in a unique cultural and academic exchange experience. Through collaborative research and/or lecturing opportunities in the United States, participants can immerse themselves in a rich international experience for a period of 3 to 9 months.

This program empowers scholars to build global connections, gain valuable insights, and share their knowledge with colleagues and students upon their return—fostering mutual understanding and strengthening cultural bridges between nations.

All fields of study are eligible, except those requiring professional licenses, such as clinical fields involving direct interaction with human subjects or programs related to obtaining commercial, private, or remote (drone) pilot licenses.

Application and Nomination Timeline


  • Applicants must hold a Ph.D. or an equivalent professional degree and be currently engaged in teaching or significant research at a Jordanian university or research institution.
  • A minimum of five publications beyond the Ph.D. dissertation is required.
  • Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in English appropriate for the proposed research project to be carried out in the United States.
  • Applicants must be able to represent their country's culture and contribute to fostering mutual understanding between the people of the United States and Jordan. They should also demonstrate the cross-cultural sensitivity and flexibility needed to adjust successfully to life in the United States.
  • If nominated by their home university, applicants must secure an approved leave of absence from their institution. While sabbatical leave is preferred, it is not a requirement.
  • Professionals and artists outside academia should demonstrate recognized professional standing and accomplishments in their field.
  • Applicants must not have been physically present in the United States on a J-1 visa or an exchange program for more than six (6) months during the 12 months prior to the application deadline of June 30, 2026.
  • Preference is given to those without recent experience in the United States.

Important note: Fulbright Program opportunities are available to qualified individuals, with preference for applicants who have not previously studied or lived in the United States.


  • Dual U.S./Jordanian citizens and individuals holding or applying for U.S. permanent residence (“Green Card”) are not eligible to apply.
  • Individuals who are employees, close family members, or dependents of employees of the Fulbright Commission, U.S. Embassy, U.S. Department of State, or its cooperating agencies are ineligible.

Application Components

To ensure correct completion of the online application, carefully read the detailed instructions provided with the application form. Within your application you will need to include the following:

  • For research applicants, you need to submit a detailed statement of proposed activity (3–5 pages). If you are applying for a lecturing/teaching program, you are required to list course syllabi for any courses you propose to teach or have taught. If you are applying for the research and teaching program, you need to submit both.
  • Bibliography (for research grants only; limit 3 pages).
  • Detailed curriculum vitae (CV).
  • Three letters of recommendation (see the section below for more information).
  • A list of your publications and articles specifying the number, titles, and co-authorship details relevant to your field of specialization.
  • Letter of invitation from a U.S. academic institution (this is not a mandatory requirement but encouraged).
  • Letter of release from your home institution (if nominated). Please note that grantees are expected to fulfil any university or Jordanian government requirements before departure.  

Note: All items must be in English.

Required Documents

Required Characteristics

Required Fields

Program Components

English language proficiency


Required Essays and Letters

Recommendation letters

  • Contact three referees and ask them to provide you with letters of recommendation. Your recommenders may include professors who taught you and/or supervisors at work.
  • Applicants should not view the contents of these letters of recommendation, as it is a confidential document between the referee/recommender and the Fulbright Commission and its counterparts.
  • There are two ways to submit your recommendation letters:
    1. Through Slate, the online Fulbright application: You may register the names and contact information of your referees online, on your online application, and then your referees will receive instructions from the system on how to complete these forms; or
    2. Through email: You can send the “Letter of Reference Form” by email to your referees who should fill it out electronically. Scanned letters with handwritten text will not be accepted. After completing the letter, the referee should either send the email to; or via courier; or hand-deliver the letter in a sealed envelope, directly to the Fulbright Commission.

To access and download the Fulbright Letter of Reference Form, please see the following attachment: Click here.

What the Program Covers

  • Monthly stipend
  • Medical coverage
  • One-time settling in allowance
  • One-time research allowance (for researchers)
  • Monthly dependent allowance (for those with dependents)
  • One-time travel allowance.

Note: If you are a grantee with dependents planning to travel with you to the U.S., you must purchase health insurance coverage for them for the duration of the grant period. This expense will be your responsibility.

How to apply

To apply for the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program, create an online account and begin your application on the online portal here (link active during the recruitment cycle only).

Detailed instructions on how to apply can be found here.

The application deadline is June 30, 2025, at 3 PM Jordan time. Applications submitted after this deadline, or incomplete applications will not be considered. Ensure that your application form and all required supporting documents are submitted by the deadline.

J-1 Visa

Fulbright scholars enter the United States on an Exchange Visitor (J-1) visa, under a Department of State exchange program, and are subject to the two-year home-country residency requirement, at the end of their research award in the U.S. which allows them to apply what they’ve learned, contribute to their community, and share the experiences and knowledge gained during their time in the U.S.

Additional Guidance

To assure that your application is not disqualified because it is incomplete, make sure to review the Application Guidelines above, and that you complete the Fulbright Application form as thoroughly and accurately as possible. In addition, the following points will help assure that your application is complete and competitive:

  • You may upload additional pages if needed to fully address the application questions.
  • Treat the application as a cohesive whole, with each part reinforcing the impact of cultural exchange. Present your capabilities in an orderly flow: the application should highlight your qualifications, further supported by your curriculum vitae and confirmed by your references.
  • Use the project statement to tie the various sections of the application together. Refer to items in your curriculum vitae or research bibliography, ensuring the information is clear and easily accessible to reviewers without being redundant.
  • Provide a detailed statement outlining the proposed research activity at a U.S. institution. Your project should contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your field and must be achievable within a 3 to 9-month period in the United States.
  • This statement of proposed activity is a critical factor in the selection process. It will be evaluated by both field experts and those involved in broader educational exchange. * * Research that demonstrates clear benefits to Jordanian society and international understanding, as well as its significance for your personal career development and institutional context, is more likely to receive funding.
  • Submit a well-thought-out biographical essay in English along with your application, detailing your academic journey and achievements.
  • Proofread your entire application before submission. Ensure that it is free from grammatical, spelling, and plagiarism errors.

Important not about Plagiarism and AI Statement

“Your application should be substantially your own, original work. The use of external assistance; content from prior applications; plagiarism (including direct copying, improper paraphrasing, or failure to cite sources); or AI-generated or AI-substantially-edited text is not permitted and will result in disqualification. While we encourage you to use plagiarism and AI detector tools before submission, be aware that these tools have limitations and passing their checks does not guarantee compliance with this policy. The final determination of originality of your application and its adherence to this policy will be made by our review committees."

We Are Here to Help

  • Please visit periodically our Fulbright Facebook page and Instagram page, for announcement of scheduled Information Sessions hosted by the Fulbright Commission.
  • Please Email any questions you may have during the application process to:
  • You may also contact the Jordanian Programs team through numbers listed here. Working hours are Sundays through Thursday, between 8 AM and 3 PM.



To Access the FAQs for this Program please visit this page.


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