
ACOR-Fulbright Lecture Series: Prof. Muna Hindiyeh

Announcing the second installment in our ACOR-Fulbright Lecture Series for 2021, featuring an upcoming lecture with Fulbright Scholar, Prof. Muna Hindiyeh on September 21st, 2021.

Back in April of this year, the Binational Fulbright Commission in Jordan and the American Center of Research (ACOR) announced the launch of the collaborative ACOR-Fulbright lecture series. This lecture series celebrates the careers and the lasting contributions of alumni of both programs, coinciding with the everlasting impact of the Fulbright Program worldwide in its 75th anniversary and the 50th year of ACOR fellowships, the first of which was awarded in 1971. The American Center of Research (ACOR) and Fulbright Jordan partnership extends to decades of mutual support to thousands of researchers in Jordan and the United States. 

Part of the announcement was sharing the details for the first lecture which was hosted by ACOR, and featured our 1995 PhD Scholarship Alumna - Dr. Maysoon Al-Nahar. And this month, we are sharing the details for the second and final installment for 2021 under this series which will feature Prof. Muna Hindiyeh. Prof. Hindiyeh is one of our bright alumna who was awarded the Post-Doctoral Research award back in 2018 where she was hosted at North Carolina State University in the United States. Prof. Hindiyeh is very active in her field, including publishing articles, and appearing in news reports such as this latest one with AlMamlaka News Channel.

Event Details

  • Lecture Title: “Environmental Performance Index and Water as a Human Right: Jordanian Assessment Approach”
  • About the Speaker: Along with being a Fulbright Scholar, Prof. Hindiyeh is an Associate Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of the German Jordanian University (GJU), and she served as secretary general assistant for water quality and laboratories affairs at the Ministry of Water and Irrigation (2011–2014).
  • Date and Time: Tuesday, September 21, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. Amman local time / 11:00 a.m. EDT
  • Type of Event: Virtual through the Zoom platform
  • Recording to the lecture: Click Here
  • Language of lecture: English
Challenges of water scarcity in Jordan are multilayered. One cannot separate scant supplies from complications of inadequate infrastructure, under-resourced operations, and government actors who lack the teeth to enforce regulations. International human rights laws oblige states to work toward achieving access to water and sanitation for all, without any discrimination. From this viewpoint, Muna Hindiyeh will discuss the human rights implications of the Disi Water Conveyance Project in Jordan.


Learn more about the event and the full bio of the speaker by visiting the ACOR website HERE.

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